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N1. Deployment of resources

708. The efficient use of existing resources requires the system to identify how judges, masters and administrative staff should best be deployed in a manner responsive to the needs of the reforms. With changes, traditional roles and case-loads may alter, requiring re-deployment.
709. For instance, there may be a need for more masters to act as procedural judges in order to provide case management on the basis of questionnaires filed by the parties at the initial stage of proceedings. Or it may be that more judges should be deployed to eliminate interlocutory appellate bottle-necks and thereby reduce waiting-times, and so forth.
710. The creation of non-traditional posts with new job-specifications may be required by the reforms. For instance, it may be efficient to appoint lay cost assessors to deal, at least initially, with the taxation of costs. A post may have to be created for an information officer specifically tasked with providing assistance to unrepresented litigants. Redeployments in the High Court Registry may be required if paper applications increase in particular areas. If court-annexed mediation is to be instituted, posts to administer the relevant scheme may have to be designed and created.
711. An analysis of the demands or likely demands made by the system should be conducted before and after any reforms take effect. Resources should be flexibly matched to the needs identified: Proposal 77.

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