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To provide convenience of reference on the Internet, should a user need to give a citation to the CJR Interim Report (Full Report and Executive Summary) or Final Report (Full Report and Executive Summary).

You may use the CJR citator to generate a pinpoint citation to a particular paragraph.  The citation contains information on the document name, section title and paragraph number.  A user could paste the citation in one of the following formats in word document, email* or powerpoint slideshow.

Format 1 - Standard Citation
CJR Final Report, Section 1

Format 2 - Long Citation
The Final Report of the Chief Justice's Working Party on Civil Justice Reform, Section 1: Introduction

The citation also contains a hypertext link, which will lead your recipients or audience to the cited paragraph on the civiljustice.hk web site.

How to Use
* Technical Note:   For email transmission of CJR citation generated by CJR citator, the hypertext link embedded in the citation may be taken out by your email system, which does not support html contents.  In the case, you may consider containing your citation generated from CJR citator in an attachment, such as a word document.

Updated as on 14 February 2005

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